
$20k rebate for business and property owners

By Brittney Sherman programs, News, small business, Silicon Valley

$20k rebate for business and property owners

Designed to help with the adoption of clean and efficient electric technologies, this SVCE small to medium business program offers rebates of up to $20,000 ($25,000 for non-profits) for upgrading to electric heat pump water heaters and heat pump heating and cooling units. If your building is less than 50,000 sq. ft., and uses less than 250,000 kWh and 25,000 therms in a year, you qualify!

Electric heat pump water heaters and HVAC units not only reduce carbon emissions but also significantly improve indoor air quality. By embracing these energy-efficient technologies, businesses can experience a multitude of advantages and take steps to transitioning to a fully emission-free building.

Learn more about the rebate program and eligibility requirements HERE.

small business, rebate, business programs

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