
Free family friendly fun in Downtown Morgan Hill

By Brittney Sherman Community, Downtown, economic development team, events, News, programs

Free family friendly fun in Downtown Morgan Hill

During the months of August, September, and October, the City will provide FREE family friendly programming in the Downtown District. This series of events, called the 4th Saturday Downtown Street Series, was developed to make Downtown more accessible and inclusive, offer family-friendly events without impact to commuters, reinforce city branding, and support existing Downtown businesses.

These events will be held on the 4th Saturday of the following months: August 26, September 23, and October 28. Each event will vary in theme and programming in an effort to further enliven Downtown and encourage the entire Community to enjoy the open space and activations. The series of events will take place on Monterey Road between Main Avenue and 4th Street. To learn more, visit the website HERE.

community, events, downtown

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